Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wedding Math - UGH.
I spent most of the day poring over our wedding budget spreadsheet. It took me about 5 hours but fortunately I was able to finish everything and lo and behold even after all the additional expense, we managed to stay under budget. Yey! I feel so blessed that we were able to financially fund this whole wedding with our own money. God has really been good to us this year. Figuring out the wedding budget was one of my most hated wedding chores. Ugh. Math is the bane of my existence since who knows when. Me plus numbers equal to one big Math problem. Haha.
I remember back in High School, during my Freshman year, I needed all the Algebra help I can get. I seriously did not understand a thing especially those Algebra word problems. Just hearing about Math word problems would send my head into a dizzying spin. sigh. Thank God for my teacher who patiently tutored me until I finally got the correct Math answers. Her Algebra tutoring made it possible for me to pass my first year. If not for her, I would have hopelessly flunked. Sigh. In fact I felt so hopeless I even had to make use of Algebra online tutoring. Geez.
Oh well, at least I’m done for now. On to the rest of my wedding chores. I have about a hundred more with barely two months left. Yikes!
I am a witness to the suffering of my people.
I am a chronicler of truth and a catalyst of change.
-The Scholastican-
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
again with the web hosting
Yesterday, one of my friends asked me about web hosting. Just like the millions of people around the world, he wanted to have his own website but was still confused on which web host to get.
I know I’ve blogged about this twice already and I have yet to make good on my promise about getting my own web host. My days have been filled to the brim with meetings and wedding chores and I cant even read my emails these days. I’m up to 600++ unread emails now. Yikes! Anyway, I directed him to go and look at WebHostingGeeks.com, where there is a vast wealth of information with regards to web hosting. I just love it and I do try and drop by from time to time.
And not only that, the Web Hosting Geeks blog never fails to amaze me. It has loads and loads of tips for newbies to web hosting like me. Loves it! So to all you readers who are thinking of getting their own sites, head on to WebHostingGeeks.com, and have lots of information all at your fingertips. :)
I am a witness to the suffering of my people.
I am a chronicler of truth and a catalyst of change.
-The Scholastican-
Sunday, October 25, 2009
dress diaries: Pattis Bridal
I am a witness to the suffering of my people.
I am a chronicler of truth and a catalyst of change.
-The Scholastican-